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Become a Member

Realtor Information

To apply for Realtor membership the following information must be received: Realtor Application, MLS Confidentiality Agreement, Sentrilock User Agreement, copy of drivers license, copy of DRE license and appropriate fees.


All agents must have their Broker of record sign up with the same membership type. As a Realtor you may join the Humboldt Association of realtors as a Realtor member or MLS only member. Realtor members enjoy all of the Member Benefits  (click the link to see your Realtor benefits) while MLS only will allow MLS access with no membership benefits.

If you have questions please contact

Affiliate Information

To apply for Affiliate membership the following information must be received: Affiliate Application, MLS Confidentiality Agreement (Appraiser only), Sentrilock Key Lease (Appraiser only), copy of drivers license, copy of any specialty license (contractor's license or appraiser license) and appropriate fees.


As an Affiliate member you will receive all the Affiliate Benefits!

MLS Only Agent Information

To apply for an MLS Only membership the following information must be received: Realtor Application, MLS Confidentiality Agreement, Sentrilock User Agreement, copy of drivers license, copy of DRE license and appropriate fees.


All agents must have their Broker sign up with the same membership type. As a MLS Only member you may join the Humboldt Association of realtors as a MLS participant. This limited membership does not include access to the member benefits listed above.

If you have questions please contact

When you become a member of the Humboldt Association of Realtors® you agree to adhere to the N.A.R code of ethics. The N.A.R. current code of ethics cycle runs from 2022-2024. To learn more and find out is you are up to date on your code of ethics give us a call today!